Antoine Calzavara

Where is your hometown?

A: France (Paris & Grenoble)

What is your occupation ?
A: Student (IEP Grenoble)

What are your hobbies?
A: Video games, sports, people, studies (my studies)

What do You like about Japan?
A: Culture, kombinis(24H/7), Japanese people,

Why Did You choose Japan?
A: Friends recommended me plus opportunity plus Japanese culture is well-known in France

Where is your favorite place in Tokyo?
A: Akihabara, Asakusa, Odaiba…The 634 guesthouse

What is your favorite Japanese food?
A: Everything! (cheap)

What are The countries You visited, and will visit after Japan?
A: I visited Europe / North Africa. I will visit Asian countries

What do You like about Musashi?
A: 1. The people living here (most of them) 2. There is all we need 3.Reactive management 🙂

Posted in Staff


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