Kylie Plester

Kylie plester

Where is your hometown?
A: I am from Melbourne, Australia

What is your occupation ?
A: I work in Conservation and Land Management in Australia and Hospitality when I travel.

What are your hobbies?
A: My hobbies include travelling, hiking and skiing.What do You like about Japan?

Why Did You choose Japan?
A: I love the Japanese culture, the people and the food and you never know what you might find around the next corner. I came to Japan this trip because I have been here previously and loved it and I wanted to ski the amazing powder snow in Hokkaido, see cherry blossoms and go to the summer festivals.

Where is your favorite place in Tokyo?
A: I love lots of places in Tokyo but Asakusa is nice because it has so much history behind it the area.

What is your favorite Japanese food?
A: I love Soup Curry which is a Hokkaido speciality.

What are the countries you visited, and will visit after Japan?
A: I have visited around 30 countries around the World in North America, Asia and Europe and I plan to visit South Korea and Taiwan after Japan.

9. What do You like about Musashi?
A: That it is a great place to meet other people from around the world

Posted in Staff


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