Freddie James

Freddie James

Where is your hometown?
A: Bristol uk

What is your occupation ?
A: build crew for festival accommodation business

What are your hobbies?
A: photography, politics, cycling

What do You like about Japan?
A: food, technology, architecture

Why Did You choose Japan?
A: because of its interesting history and contrast to Europe

Where is your favorite place in Tokyo?
A: shinjuku government observation tower

What is your favorite Japanese food?
A: crunchy salad at tori kizuku

What are The countries You visited, and will visit after Japan?
A: Palestine, France

What do You like about Musashi?
A: the people! The parties and the short distance to a 100 store

Posted in Staff


2-9-14 Higashi-Komagata, Sumida, Tokyo

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