Felix Biedermann


Where is your hometown?
A: Ludwigsburg

What is your occupation ?
A: Work and Travel Japan/ start to study back in Germany

What are your hobbies?
A: Traveling, Diving, Playing guitar Gaming, watching Movies/Shows/Anime, listening to Audiobooks/Music, Singing, Karaoke, meeting with friends/new people

What do You like about Japan?
A: Difference to everything I’ve seen so far. Kind people, Clean Country, lots of Karaoke places, Good/Cheap Food, Trains are in time, not the typical place for Work and Travel

Why Did You choose Japan?
A: To see and experience something new that nobody in my surrounding has seen so far. As a vacation of the western society. Also to buy a ton of Anime Merchandise 馃槈

Where is your favorite place in Tokyo?
A: Akihabara because you can find new interesting shops there every day and are able to buy everything that nerds heart wants

What is your favorite Japanese food?
A: Katsu-Kare

What are The countries You visited, and will visit after Japan?
A: In my life I visited so far: France, Canada, England, Ireland, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, I don’t know yet where i will go after Japan but i might visit my sister in Canada again

What do You like about Musashi?
A: Different people with different reasons are living there for not just some days or weeks so you get to know them better. A nice working space where you always find someone to talk/ask to. It’s a silent location in Asakusa not too far from Skytree and Akihabara is reachable by foot.

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2-9-14 Higashi-Komagata, Sumida, Tokyo

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